
Tuesday 6 December 2011

What is the best religion?

I know it must be something highly questionable to post something related to religion after a long period of silent – not writing anything in my blog. I start writing this at 1:40 AM and it is very unusual as well that I am still awake.

Actually the strong desire to write this came after a little chat with someone that continued with bringing up a topic of her religion. She is a Jehovah Witness and I asked her what differs most her religion from the common Christian. She answered to me that Jehovah itself as the name that the Witnesses considered as God. She also added that her kinds were not celebrating Christmas and birthday.

I never knew about that religion before I googled it and found some information about it. Actually it would never bother me if there were not some people that talked to me about their opinion of that religion. They talked to me and in some way urged me not to ever be near that religion for some reasons. In other word, they might want to say that that religion is something I should avoid, and their religion is something that I should approach.

That memory finally made my mind keep thinking whether there is a better religion over another. I remember a person whom I idolize, Mahatma Gandhi. I opened his autobiography book. I have read some chapters in order, but in this case I opened the table of contents and looking up a chapter that might have a little explanation about religion. Eventually, I have chapter XV to read.

I always feel relieved after reading his words and thoughts, and now ever more after reading this chapter. Apparently Mahatma Gandhi experienced a little bit the same with me. He was a subject of persuasion made by some good Christians and Moslems. He went to Wellington Convention where Rev. Andrew Murray tried his best to bring him on a ship heading to a town which hold the event. Rev. Murray, Gandhi said, was a very good person and he was experiencing lots of difficulties just to have him on the convention. The convention lasted three days and results in nothing of Gandhi belief.

There are some that Gandhi valued about Christian and there are some ideas that he could never take. It is apparently happened with some of his friends who are Moslem and try to coax him. Gandhi asked something that he did not understand and got unsatisfying reply. I do not have any idea of how many recommended books given by Christians and Moslems which he had read. He seemingly had read all. Besides, his heart was opened to join any religion if he got the “call” from it, yet none had come to it. That said, he also thought that his current religion was not without weaknesses. That is, he could not think any reason behind the caste system.

As I am writing this, I’d like to close my writing this with a simple question, “If a religion is made by men, and men are without weaknesses, is there any perfect religion?” Would not it better to say that all religions have their own strengths and weaknesses? I personally believe that every religion has its plus and minus, and only God who has only plus (without any minus).

Gandhi was called “a great soul” mainly because he always thought that God is real, and others are not. His popular statement, “God has no religion” always become my favorite quotation if someone are about to ask my opinion towards religion 