
Sunday 30 October 2011

Every Single Day is Another Chance!

(I started writing this a few minutes after the game had just ended. It’s a bad of me that the completion just finished right now) 

The final single men US open has just ended with Novak Djokovic, for the fifth time winning against Nadal, came out as the winner. It was really a spectacular game, especially in the first three set. I believe that both have seemingly equal lightning speed, great accuracy, and extraordinary stamina. But in my opinion, Nadal, the King of Clay, is slightly better at techniques and strength. Only that Djokovic’s serves is much better, his aces outnumbered Nadal’s. He had a great advantage to win the championship.
Now, what does it have to do with the title of this post?

As I said before, the first three sets were fantastic, but not for the fourth set. Nadal was seemingly giving it up. He did not run for the ball as he did marvelously in the previous sets.
Did you not just see that it is very likely that Djokovic would win the match? Would not it better for Nadal to just give it up to make it quick?

Here it is …
I am not saying that If only Nadal did not give up, and always tried his best at every moment, he would win that match. No.

I am saying that there was a chance. It is not a small chance. As every single day is another change, so is a set, a game, or even a serve. As Nadal had a new game or a new serve, he had totally 100% chance to win it!

Do not worry about our success in the future, as it will be a function of our daily success; winning a game is a function of winning every point. Sure, I am not claiming that I know better than Nadal about this. Yet sometimes even a great man can’t be always aware of this fact.
What I'd like to emphasize is Nadal should have not worried about the result of the match, as if he won another serve, his chance to win the game would increase. Eventually, a greater chance to win a set, and possibly the match would come, wouldn’t it?

“And that’s what’s cool about life, what’s so beautiful, every single day is another chance.” Yes, it is what Liz Murray said,
“No one knows what is possible until they do it.”
Those words of hers are always a motivation for me to open my day and end it with success.

Thus no matter how bad you just did today, no matter how many mistakes you just made, and no matter how awfully today sucked, it is important to remember that we have a brand new day tomorrow. A problem, if any, is we often lose confidence to make a day full of wonderful moments after bad things which just happened to us. That is your enemy, something you have to defeat, saying that "how can you expect a better thing tomorrow? Did not you look what you just did today? Come on, doing the same thing is not that too bad."

Have you got enough gut to face and defeat your enemy?
You can surrender, but if you fight, you can’t lose


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