
Sunday 4 September 2011

Getting Insights

-    With a detached mind, you see the secret; with an interested mind, you see the appearances. - Lao Zi
Whenever you have that feeling; the feeling when you just can't understand something or you're frustrated investing your time to see something that never appears.. what should you do?
give up is not the answer as you will never get what you want!

to find out that answer, let me share a story to you.

 A European battery supplier tried to boosts its sales at a powerful retailer. The supplier noticed that its highest-margin, "high-tech" batteries were frequently out of stock there. Believing that high-tech users were driving demand, it responded with a prominent new display rack describing the more expensive battery's benefits for digital services. But instead of rising as expected, sales actually fell.

what's wrong? I thought there would be more customers buying my product after I explained to them the benefits of more expensive battery for digital devices.
i thought what I said to them: compatible to more devices, safer to any devices, easy to plug in-and out, greater performance and so on were good and attracting information = ="
ahhh... I just don't understand!
(maybe this is what the marketing manager would say after knowing that its sales were dropped :D :D)

the next story is as follow.


only after the company conducted a series of studies at a local hypermarket did it understand this counter-intuitive customer response. Exit interviews with people who purchased batteries clarified why they did so, and in-store observation showed how they shopped. In fact, few of these people were buying the more expensive high-tech product for digital devices; instead, they bought it in the belief that it lasted longer (a fact not emphasized in the displays) or by simple chance. 

 thus, here is the you get an insight.
high tech batteries and high tech users (the ones who use digital devices) are connected!
we tend to get a quick fix by finding out something that has connection, such as study and test result. is lacking study the driving factor of bad test result (bad mark)?? if you say yes, you might end up getting a failure like the manager :p

first, have a detached mind! a magician who succeed dazzling his audience with his card trick may not have something to do with his cards! (my experience :D)
it's not enough having a detached mind as there are a lot of unavailable information given.
second, have an interested mind! Keynes would never be a great economist if he were not interested to the possibility of government interference to deal with the great depression.

are you ready to have a detached and interested mind??
good luck!

the pink text is taken from The McKinsey Quarterly


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