
Saturday 10 March 2012

Loyalty, What's Inside?

A study for years to thousands workers by Public Agenda Foundation, recommended by John Naisbitt and Patricia Aburdene in their book, "Re-Inventing the Corporation") lists 13 things that workers want. These are the result:
1. Working with people who respect them
2. Interesting Job
3. Compliment for a good work done.
4. An Opportunity to develop skills
5, Working with people who listen to them when they have a good idea.
6. An opportunity to think themselves rather than being instructed about how to do the work.
7. Watch for the their final result.
8. Work for efficient managers.
9. Having not a very easy work.
10. Feel being informed of what is happening.
11. Work safety.
12. High salary.
13. Big profit.
The book "A Class with Drucker" by William Cohen is questioning how you sort them.
Give it a shot.


Have you done with sorting?

If you sort them as they are listed above in order, then you have the same result!
So, it says Money is no.12, far behind Respect, Interesting Job, and Compliment at the top three. What makes me always wonder is still, even people having those three never guarantee a loyalty for d employers. what's up? is loyalty born rather than created? Being loyal and being institutionalized, are they the same?


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